Survey of 1,300 I.T. managers tells how to secure the future for Aussie businesses

IT Solutions

In the wake of the recent pandemic, organisations of all sizes are reviewing budgets and moving to reduce costs as much as possible. Choosing the right technology partner can mean the difference between the success or downfall of today’s business.




In light of a recent study of 1,300 I.T. managers published by Ivanti, businesses are securing the future of their organisation by partnering with a reliable managed service provider (MSP).


The survey found that half of the respondents are working with 11 or more different vendors to manage their I.T. environment. Not surprisingly, juggling all those vendors is quite the chore, spending endless hours producing reports and negotiating contracts. Some 35% said the effort involves weeks of work, 13% reported it takes months!




The major challenges and need for engaging a vast array of suppliers consist of: the necessity to improve security (62%); cutting down the time to resolve incidents (61%); improving I.T. reporting (47%); unifying I.T. (39%), and; dealing with governance (30%).


Whereas 70% of the I.T. managers cite the top benefit of achieving a secure and unified I.T. solution is the consistent data across systems and departments. 60% praise the ease of use and 58% refers to the cost savings.




Endeavouring to shape a secure and unified technology solution by carefully balancing all the complexities of multiple third-party products has proven to be near impossible for the resource-constrained business. However, for those who have embraced the value of a dependable MSP, the benefits are rich, rewarding businesses with a competitive edge.


The idea that there is a solution that can simultaneously drive down the total cost of I.T. services and cut the number of vendors down to one, seems like a ‘cloud 9’ fantasy. Yet this is exactly what is available to businesses today.




Currently, many aspects of the future remain uncertain but from our perspective partnering with a reliable I.T. provider will underpin the success of the growing business.


We have put together some key considerations to help you on your journey of discovering a robust technology partner:


  • A single unified end-to-end solution with consistent data across all systems and I.T. departments.
  • Improved user experience organization-wide, with aligned processes and workflows.
  • Comparison of Capital Expenditure (CapEx) vs Operational Expenses (OpEx). Identifying your I.T. goals and what solution is appropriate for your business.
  • High level of security and compliance for sensitive data for every end-point user no matter where they work from with incident prevention, mitigation, and recovery strategy in place.
  • A fast and scalable data storage and backup system that is accessible anytime time from anywhere there is an Internet connection.
  • Friendly and responsive expert technical support available 24/7.


Please feel free to give our team a call to discuss the bespoke I.T. solutions we have available to help position your business for the future.